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Asset Management

Navigating your wealth towards a secure and prosperous future.

AVA Global Asset Managers (AVA GAM) is an asset management subsidiary of the AVA Capital Group licensed by the Securities & Exchange Commission serving governments, institutions, and retail clients.

We provide portfolio management and investment advisory services as well as non-traditional asset management services through privately managed portfolios and collective investment schemes.


Portfolio Management

We rely on high-quality research to identify unique market opportunities and trends that drive critical investment decisions.

Features & Benefits

⦁ Customized investment portfolio in line with your objectives and risk-reward preferences.

⦁ Freedom to specify your preferred asset allocation.

⦁ Online real-time access to portfolio via our application

⦁ Prompt and seamless execution of your instructions.

⦁ Periodic reports of portfolio performance.

Financial Management and Investment Advisory

We offer financial management and investment advisory services to help clients manage their personal finances optimally. We provide a full range of investment solutions that address specific needs and our experts are able to build portfolios specifically aligned to these goals.

Features & Benefits

⦁ Relationship management.

⦁ Market analysis updates and reports.

⦁ Evaluation of existing investment portfolios.

⦁ Portfolio rebalancing.

⦁ Expert advice.

Collective Investment Schemes

Our Collective Investment Scheme (CIS) is a vehicle via which we pool clients’ funds and invest in a variety of asset classes including stocks, bonds, money market securities, real estate or some combination of these asset classes.

We currently offer Investment opportunities in our Fixed Income Dollar Fund and a Fixed Income Naira Fund.


The investors’ contributions into the mutual funds are invested and managed on their behalf by our highly experienced investment managers. Each fund has an investment threshold and can either be closed or open ended. The funds are overseen by independent trustees and an investment committee that ensure adherence with the trust deed and fund’s investment policy.


AVA GAM Fixed Income Naira Fund

The AVA Global Asset Managers Limited Fixed Income Naira Fund (“AVA GAM Fixed Income Naira Fund” or the “Fund”)…..

AVA GAM Fixed Income Dollar Fund

The AVA GAM Dollar fund allows multiple investors to aggregate their savings in a joint fund to be professionally…….

Connect with a Portfolio Manager

Are you looking to diversify your portfolio or invest in instruments that will preserve your wealth? Our dedicated team of experts are interested in connecting with you to fully understand your wealth creation need and offer a bespoke solution to achieve your objective towards a financially secured future.